Episode 82: Making a 72 Hour Kit on a Budget, and a Chance to Win One!
72-Hour Kit Contents 1. Knife from Old Hickory $5.50 2. Water filter from Academy Sports and Outdoors $19.99 3. Lamp $6.25 4. Pan with folding handle from Academy $11.50 5. 550 para cord from Academy $6.95 6. Plastic eating utensils Academy $2.50 7.
Episode 81: What Should We Do When We Disagree with Church Leaders? With Jodi Stoddard
Many of us have been less than happy about the Church's response to the virus. Jodi Stoddard joins me to discuss how we can handle it when we disagree with the decisions or policies of Church leaders, both now and in the future.
Episode 80: A Cuban Exile's Story and Concerns About America's Current Trajectory
Cuba exile Mailyn Salabarria shares what life was like growing up in Castro's Cuba and what alarms her about the past year in the U.S. Her story is gripping and her warnings are very timely.
Episode 79: What is Critical Race Theory, and What Can We Do About It?
I explain what Critical Race Theory is and what can be done about it, drawing heavily from this article https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/critical-race-theory-fight/ by Christopher F. Rufo. Watch for the next episode with a Cuban exile
Episode 78: Covid Update with American's Frontline Doctor, Dr. Jeffrey Barke
Dr. Jeffrey Barke, one of America's Frontline Doctors, returns to give us an update on the status of Covid-19, vaccines, shedding, masks, herd immunity, etc. He also urges us not to fear the virus, but to take care of ourselves and get early treatment if needed.
Episode 77: Are You Prepared for a Zombie Apocalypse?
Are you ready for an attack by zombies, or other brain-dead humans? My prep expert and friend Nate Ottosen joins me again to talk about what an attack might look like and how we can be prepared. We reference the book "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Bro
Episode 76: One Man's Quest to Help Unelected Citizens Make Law
Nick Galieti, regular guy, has a project to help unelected citizens research, write, and promote passage of law. We discuss what that looks like. His website www.freelancelegislator.com is where you can get information and get started at making law!
Episode 75: The Constitution and You: An Analysis of Pres. Oaks' Conference Talk
Pres. Oaks gave what I thought was a fabulous talk about the U.S. Constitution being a divinely inspired document and how we need to defend it. In this episode Shaun Bills and I discuss the talk and what we believe are some ways to defend the Constitution.
Episode 74: How One Man's Dream Turned into Water for Millions of People
John Renouard had a dream one night about a muscle-powered drill. He took the idea to the engineering school at BYU, and they created it. Several years later that drill is in 36 countries providing clean water to 7 million people!
Episode 73: Special Easter Episode: How One Man Shares His Faith Through His Art
LDS Artist Paul Grass joins me to talk about he shares his faith through "Book of Mormon, The Art Tour" where he goes into some surprising venues to share artwork based on stories from the Book of Mormon. Paul can be found at https://livvnart.wixsite.com/
Episode 72: Cool Knives and Other Things You Need in Your Bug Out Bag
Nate Ottosen joins me again-this time to talk about knives and other stuff you need in your bug out bag. Annette can be reached at annettetalks.com, Facebook.com/AnnetteBybee, or emailed at annette@annettetalks.com.
Episode 71: Martin Harris: The Man, The Mission, as Seen through the Eyes of a Direct Descendant
Martin Harris had a mission-to witness the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. He also made the financial contribution that allowed that book to be printed. His great, great grandson, Kent Pickering, sat down with me to talk about how he sees Martin Harri
Episode 70: What if you could hire someone to sleep for you? My chat with the author of Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Political Thriller Book “The Sleepers”
Author David Greaves and I chat about his new sci-fi, dystopian, suspense, political thriller book, "The Sleepers" which can be found in podcast form on most major podcast providers, and at www.sleepfreeinc.com.
Episode 69: Activist Eric Moutsos on Defending Liberty
One man decided that the shut downs were just wrong-and did something about it. Activist Eric Moutsos joins me to talk about what inspired him, what he sees as the main problems with the Covid restrictions, and what he's doing about it.
Episode 68: How to Handle Water and Power Outages-One Texan's Story
Houston resident Nate Ottosen lost water and power for 3 days during the recent freeze. He found out that in some ways he was prepared, in other ways, not so much. He shares his experience and gives advice on how we can be prepared for future outages.
Episode 67: Finding Humor in Difficult Times with Comedian Steve Soelberg
Comedian Steve Soelberg joins me to talk about how to find humor when life is tough, like it has been for the last year! Steve can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfU48zgp90Y&t=728s&ab_channel=DryBarComedy, on https://www.st
Episode 66: America's Frontline Doctor Jeff Barke on Covid-19
Dr. Jeffrey Barke, one of America's Frontline Doctors, joined me to talk about where we're at with Covid-19, why we don't need to fear it, how we can help to avoid getting it, what to do when we can, and whether or not we should take the vaccine.
Episode 65: An Introduction to Ham Radio
Ham radio enthusiast Aaron Kravik joins me to share his knowledge about what ham radios do, how they work, and which ones we need. As mentioned in the episode, he recommends www.hamstudy.org, and ham radio crash course, OH8STN, and KM4ACK YouTube channels
Episode 64: How the Lockdowns are Affecting our Mental Health
Counselor Christy Kane joins me to talk about how lockdowns are affecting us and what we can do about it. Christy can be found at 801.735.5971 or www.drchristykane.com.
Episode 63: How to Get Guns and Ammo during Difficult Times
Gunsmith Nate Ottosen joins me to show me his guns and ammo and tell us where to get them. Questions can be directed to me at annette@annettetalks.com. Nate's company can be found at www.briley.com