Episode 62:How Do We Defend Freedom in the Last Days?
Jodi Stoddard joined me to talk about how we can know the best way to defend freedom in these crazy last days. Her video "Navigating Freeom in End Times" can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1xGy8CGw2U&ab_channel=JodiStoddard.
Episode 61: Are You Ready for a Disaster? Prep Part 1.
Corey Riley joins me to get us started on getting prepared for man-made and natural disasters. Corey can be reached at class@preptips.net.
Episode 60: 2020 was Awesome??
I go over a few of the happenings from 2020 and then tell some inspiring stories of awesomeness from friends.
Episode 58: Author Noell Chesney on her Pride and Prejudice Variation Novel, “All That This Entails”
Noell Chesney joins me to talk about her newly published book, a variation on Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." "All That This Entails" can be found on Amazon.com.
Episode 57: Is the Second Coming Just Around the Corner? With Jodi Stoddard
Jodi Stoddard, creator of several videos including four on the Second Coming, joins me to talk about when she thinks it's happening and what that means for us. Here are links to her videos: Here are links to her videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twf
Episode 56: ACB and the Supremes Smack Cuomo Down
Now that Amy Coney Barrett has joined the Supreme Court, we're starting to see some good decisions. In this one, they stop Cuomo's ridiculous regulations on churches and synagogues. D.K. can be found at https://www.facebook.com/thelawwithdk
Episode 55: The Pilgrim Hypothesis
The pilgrims were the forerunners to the Restoration. Tim Ballard's book lays out the case that they knew that, or at least had some idea of it. Either way, they were incredible and deserve our recognition and honor.
Episode 54: Managing Anxiety and Depression in Uncertain Times, with Matt Townsend
Freaking out about Covid, lockdowns, online school, the election, etc.? Dr. Matt Townsend joins me to talk about how to manage anxiety and depression during all of this uncertainty. Matt is offering an online class on anxiety at www.matttownsend.com
Episode 53: Covid Restriction Fatigue and What We Can Expect from Biden, with John Ziegler
John Ziegler joins me to talk about how much longer we can expect Covid restrictions to last, whether they work, and what Biden will do to "fix" the virus. John can be found on Twitter @Zigmanfreud, at Mediaite.com, and his podcast "Individual 1" is where you find your favorite platform to listen to podcasts.
Nov 14, 2020
Episode 51: Emotional Abuse Part 2: After the Abusive Relationship is Over
Emotional Abuse Recover Coach Brandon Pipkin joins me again to talk about how to stop abusing yourself, stop your child from abusing you, and learning to trust again. Brandon can be found at www.stopemotioinalabuse.net.
Episode 50: Dinesh D’Souza on his move “Trump Card”
Dinesh D'Souza joins me to talk about his movie "Trump Card," which is based on his book "United States of Socialism." The movie can be found at www.TrumpCardTheMovie.com.
Episode 139: Uvalde and China/Taiwan
Joe the Cop joins me to talk about Uvalde, then Stephen Daniels is back to talk about China and Taiwan.
Episode 138: Recession or not? and Defeating Radicals
Economist Stephen Daniels answers the big question of the day- Are we in a recession? The author Chris Adamo joins us to share strategies from his book “Rules for Defeating Radicals.”
Episode 137: Annette on America
I covered a wide range of topics this week from Covid, to midterm elections, to bug eating.
Episode 136: Annette on America
Episode 49: Emotional Abuse Part 1: Recognition and Recovery
Emotional Abuse Recovery Coach, Brandon Pipkin, joins me to talk about how to spot emotional abuse and what to do about it. Brandon can be found at www.stopemotionalabuse.net.
Episode 48: How One Mom Unmasked her Child for School
Mom Lauren Shane shares how she and her seventh grade daughter decided to pursue unmasking for school and how that went.
Episode 47: Tilting at Windmills: Utahns Take on Their Governor
Activist, Utah resident, and friend Alena Ericksen joins me to talk about her and many, many other Utahns efforts to get Governor Herbert to drop the mask mandate in Utah schools, and his reaction