Episode 90-Corruption, Corruption, Corruption
We don’t need a Pride month when everyday is Pride day.
Episode 89-Presidential Election Dumpster Fire
Dumpster fires and hot messes. Elections and the border.
Episode 88-Why I Talk about Transgender Lies So Much
I explain why I spend so much time on transgender lies.
Episode 86-It’s Confirmed! Masks Suck!
Two studies now show that mask mandates did more harm than good. And, suprise, surprise, we're still funding gain-of-function research in the same Wuhan lab that brought us Covid!
Find me at annettetalks.com
Episode 85
The Cancelled Episode. Are women being cancelled? Are gas-powered cars being cancelled? Is Taiwan going to be cancelled? Listen and find out!
Episode 84
Trump's indictment is full of holes and is a distraction. Also, guess what? The Chinese spy balloon was actually...wait for it...spying! The president lied about it!
Find Annette on annettetalks.com
Episode 83
I take on the Tennessee school shooting, the mischaracterization of AR 15s, and why it might not be time to buy that electric vehicle yet.
Episode 82
Trump's legal woes, the latest transgender nonsense, why over population isn't really a problem, and one arcade in Denver to avoid.
Annette can be found at annettetalks.com.
Episode 81-Why are Banks Failing?
Crista Huff explains why banks are failing and what comes next.
Episode 77-Robots vs. Aliens, and Prepping for an EMP
Robots vs. Aliens in our future? What about an EMP? Prepper Carolyn Nicholaysen gives some good advice. She can be found at totallyready.com.
Episode 76-Chinese Spy Balloons and Other Bad Thngs
I go over some of the nefarious things China is doing to and in America. Find me at annettetalks.com.
Episode 75-How China Took Over Hollywood
Author Greg Rabidoux joins me to discuss his book "The Insatiable Dragon: How China Took Control of Hollywood." The books can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.com/Insatiable-Dragon-Control-Hollywood-Cautionary-ebook/dp/B0BM8SP2C5/ref=sr_1_1?crid=T0JI62SKQ8MU&keywords=greg+rabidoux&qid=1675123388&sprefix=greg+rabidoux%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-1
Annette can be found at annettetalks.com
Episode 74-WTH went on with the WEF in Davos, and what’s up at the Border?
I share the most ridiculous moments from the WEF meeting in Davos, and then Carolyn Nicholaysen stops by to tell us what's going on at the border.
Annette can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/419352616772620. Carolyn Nicholaysen can be found at TotallyReady.com
Episode 73-Making Lasting Change
Rock star Life Coach Rob Rains joins me to talk about how to make lasting change, as opposed to breaking New Year's resolutions. Rob can be reached at www.powerfulidentity.com
Episode 72-Why the Government Sucks
Stephen Daniels joins me to talk about plastic bag bans, egg regulations, and other stupid things the government does. Then he shares his ideas for voting reform.