Episode 25: Civil Asset Forfeiture-Another Name for Highway Robbery?
D.K. Williams joins me again to talk about an unbelievable case where the defendant had money seized from him when he was never even charged with a crime.
Episode 24: We are Spirits Having a Human Experience-with Matt Townsend
Coach and public speaker Matt Townsend shares how to focus on our spirits instead of our minds and bodies. Matt can be found at www.MattTownsend.com or on Facebook or Instagram.
Episode 23: Interview with Matt Mooney, Who Was Arrested for Playing with His Daughter in the Park
Matt tells the story of why and how he was arrested and the repurcussions for himself and his daughter.
Episode 22: Three Things We Should be Doing in the Last Days
I share that I believe we should be doing three very important things as we live out the last days.
Episode 21: Annette on Life, Liberty, and Happiness
We can't control what's happening around us, but we can find ways to find joy during quarantine or other difficult times
Episode 20: Are the Stay-at-Home Orders Constitutional?
Constitutional expert D.K. Williams and I discuss the Constitutionality of the Stay-at-home orders. D.K. can be found athttps://www.facebook.com/thelawwithdkwilliams/?epa=SEARCH_BOX
Episode 19: How I Handle Worry in these Difficult Times
Therapist Susan Fry helps me figure out why I worry and how to stop. Susan can be reached at www.simplyloveprocess.com or 480-326-0398.
Episode 18: Do Faith and Reason Go Together?
I talk about how faith and reason are mutually reinforcing, why, and how we really need them both right now!
Episode 17: 'Medicare for All' All That?
I discuss Medicare for All and why it sucks, using the Sally Pipes book “False Premise, Fake Promise”
Episode 16: One Man's Experience with Canadian Health Care
Paul Pulsipher joins me to talk about how his wife did not receive the care she needed in a timely fashion when they lived in Ontario. Paul can be found at www.thatwhichperishethnot.com/podcast
Episode: 15: How to Not Raise Snowflakes
I discuss the book "The Coddling of the American Mind" and how we can raise our children to be independent and resilient.
Episode 14: The Lincoln Hypothesis
Chris Freeman and I talk about the Tim Ballard book "The Lincoln Hypothesis."
Episode 13: How the Federal Government Got So Darn Powerful!
D.K. Williams, Constitution expert, is back again to discuss how the federal government managed to usurp so much power from the states and the people. D.K. can be found at www.speakeasyideas.org and https://www.facebook.com/thelawwithdkwilliams/
Episode 12: Is trumps Middle East Peace Plan Any Good?
Middle East expert Samuel Lourie joins me to talk about what's in Trump's Middle East peace plan and whether it stands a chance. Samuel and his white paper on the plan can be found at https://millennialpolicycenter.org/2019/12/18/mpc-releases-project-on-t
Episode 11: Annette on Life, Liberty, and Happiness
DK Williams joins me to discuss the Neil Gorsuch book, A Repbublic, If You Can Keep It. D.K. can be found at www.speakeasy.com/the-law or at https://www.facebook.com/thelawwithdkwilliams/
Episode 10: Civil Discourse: For and Against Trump
My friends Jen and Darryl debate about Trump, showing that it can be done in a civil manner.
Episode 9: Why College Is So Expensive and What Can Be Done About It
I am joined by radio show host and policy expert Jimmy Sengenberger to talk about why college is so expensive and what can be done about it. His website is https://millennialpolicycenter.org/
Episode 8: The Art of Being Funny with Kevin Baker
Comic book author Kevin Baker joins me to talk about the creative process behind his new book. The book and Kevin can be found at www.theldssinglesguy.com.
Episode 7: Don't Talk to the Cops and other Lessons from Richard Jewell
Constitution expert DK Williams and I talk about Richard Jewell and the lessons we can all learn from his case. DK's podcast can be found at speakeasyideas.com/the law. His article can be found at https://bluecarp.net/lessons-from-richard-jewell/?fbclid=I
Episode 06: Annette on Life, Liberty, and Happiness
Investigative journalist John Ziegler joins me to discuss Trump's effect on the current divide in the country. Ziegler's podcast can be found at http://freespeechbroadcasting.com/